Today, or should i say yesterday by now, i'm writing this on June 28 2.19am....On June 27, my horoscope reads like this,
"If you are one of the many sceptical Scorpios who think dreams don't come true, wait until this evening"
An hour ago, before i was reading that, i was in a dream, i dreamed bout U...
When i was reading the newspaper i was still crystal clear bout that dream, but so sorry, by now 2.24am i have forgotten what it is anymore....but one thing is sure, we're together in that dream....
So as i read my horoscope, which usually turns out to be correct, i was hoping that it could really be dream come true, by evening....and than Hooi Chin msn me asking am i free later 8pm?? I was like, EVENING! EVENING! in which i tell her i am, cuz i always got back home after football at tat time, she say she just wanna meet me for awhile and giv me something.......
My puny little mind
My stupid imaginative, stupid psychotic mind
My unbelievably naive mind
My childish thinking
My broken mind breaking my broken heart
I thought Hooi Chin was bringing U along.....haha
Turns out no, she givs me a farewell gift (thanx alot Hooi Chin!!) and thats all. I was like, were's my dream........Ur not there......Ur not in any part of it either....(dont get me wrong Hooi Chin i realli do liked ur present k)
Temptation for calling U and sms U is pushing me to the edge, i can't help it but to send a simple Free? to you, in which you reply to me that your in your friend's house, in SP, which in someway i was glad, cause least your replying me....and then again even in a rare occasion of a snooker session with my friend can't seem to get you out of my head.........
So eager to call you so eager to hear your voice.........this is kinda like those script from Hollywood or some cheap-ass Taiwanese drama isnt it?? Turns out their true.....and those stupid-shit-sorry-ass Taiwanese make these into a universal-thing for those mui mui zai....totally eliminated its own genuine feeling and true meaning....
I dreamed bout U in lots of occasion......but sometimes i woke up and hoped that i never had them before, for i know dreams come true?? Those words ain't in my dictionary.....Remember those days, U used to dream bout me too?? I guess those were the times i actually felt touched and happy, yup, i'm so fucking cheap, that this cheapo bastard gets happy and touched so cheapo easily........Remember one time when you tell me that you dream that i was dead in that dream, and you attend my funeral and you cried? And which i reply to you saying i'm still here don't worry........thats probably the most touched moment i ever had, cause knowing that you'll cry for me, even if its Death itself.....Everytime i dreamed of you, we're together, as in a couple....haha sometimes the dream was so sweet i didn't wanna wake up at all, i was like, please don't make me wake up please don't make me wake up....
But then i wake up to plain ol suck fuck reality, it just turns me down......
Most of the time i'm no one to you.......i can feel that......i'm trying to be that some-one but to be fair, i'm no where near it am i? You could see me once more before i leave, thats fairly enough, but i'm a greedy guy....i wanna meet you many things to tell you so many thoughts to share with many feelings, which you branded 肉麻 thing, i wanna let you know.....but when you think it like that, no point telling you anymore since its goin to be just plain ol geli stuff taken from tv drama huh(thanks Taiwan)? But still i spit it out...i managed to tell like.....1% of what i wanna tell u???? They say its ok u get rejected, least you let them know how you felt......thats what i'm trying to do here but it seems that it isn't working and is back-firing at me....
A couple days ago Siang asked me what time i will go back to if i had a time machine?? I tell him, I would go back to the October of 2008, cuz that time, U haven't reunite with your bf yet.....haha he say i should think ahead, and should go back to the time of when i was a baby and make success from there eversince since i had all the knowledge that time....but for me, nah...whats done is done....there's only one regret.....2 actually, but one is being
I know you too late.
I was realli hoping Hooi Chin would saw this and pass this to you, but come to think bout it.....Hooi Chin you better not do it.....cause i don't wanna admit the aweful fact that we wont goin to be together....your probably just an aeroplane, stopping by this airport of mine.......i know i'm goin and we're goin to be separated, while i chat phone with you for 1 hour your bf sees you for 23 hour, while i misses you 24/7, your being with your bf 24/7, and while i love you so much, you wont feel it, no matter how much i project that love to you, cause he'll block out that love and there's nothing i can do..........
But still i'm waiting....for this dream to come true, either a NO or a YES, i'm still waiting...
Remember the first time we chatted?
Remember the first time we webcamed?
Remember the first time we talk on the phone?
Remember the first time u drop your tears in front of me?
Remember the first time i tell you i love you?
Its 3.10am now, i'm still thinking of U..
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Yesterday watched the most waited movie of 2009....Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and boy oh boy, it realli is worth all the wait....
Decepticons are back at full force this time, as Megatron got revived and one of the elders of the Transformer, the Fallen are introduced...
There are some new additions to the Autobots and to the Decepticons, but i must say Decepticon got the upper hand in terms of number, while Autobots have a few new faces such as Sideswipe, the Corvette Stingray concept car, and the name doesn't lie as well, as he swipes away enemy with his blades while he's glides side to side all the time, as well as Jetfire, the SR-71 Blackbird who is an aged Transformer, one of the first generation who comes to Earth at the first place (spoilers), Decepticon has a few additions too, but the most intriguing would be the Audi R8, named SIDEWAYS, wow, what a name and car to start with, just that, he gets chop off by Sideswipe like, 10 min into the movie....damn.....ok ok i'm leaking to much spoilers out now, go watch them yourself! And be warned, you'll probably wanted to watch them again...^^
Overall, the movie was quite succesful as a sequel i would say.....the story picks up nicely from the first movie, and stil it felt related all the way, finally we are seeing a continuation of a series, a proper one. Fight scenes, top notch, minor detailing are so delicate, Bay really look into those small matters this time....not to mention the humour in the movie which was so funny, it realli gets you on the seat with its funny part and those intense part as well as those emotional parts, good job indeed, however i find that yeah, the fight scenes are a little bit 'boring' as it goes on, we starting with ninja like action to the ordinary i shoot you, you shoot me, we are shooting family......but still end of the day, its a nice nice movie.......totally recommended, i'll giv it a 9/10.

There are some new additions to the Autobots and to the Decepticons, but i must say Decepticon got the upper hand in terms of number, while Autobots have a few new faces such as Sideswipe, the Corvette Stingray concept car, and the name doesn't lie as well, as he swipes away enemy with his blades while he's glides side to side all the time, as well as Jetfire, the SR-71 Blackbird who is an aged Transformer, one of the first generation who comes to Earth at the first place (spoilers), Decepticon has a few additions too, but the most intriguing would be the Audi R8, named SIDEWAYS, wow, what a name and car to start with, just that, he gets chop off by Sideswipe like, 10 min into the movie....damn.....ok ok i'm leaking to much spoilers out now, go watch them yourself! And be warned, you'll probably wanted to watch them again...^^
Overall, the movie was quite succesful as a sequel i would say.....the story picks up nicely from the first movie, and stil it felt related all the way, finally we are seeing a continuation of a series, a proper one. Fight scenes, top notch, minor detailing are so delicate, Bay really look into those small matters this time....not to mention the humour in the movie which was so funny, it realli gets you on the seat with its funny part and those intense part as well as those emotional parts, good job indeed, however i find that yeah, the fight scenes are a little bit 'boring' as it goes on, we starting with ninja like action to the ordinary i shoot you, you shoot me, we are shooting family......but still end of the day, its a nice nice movie.......totally recommended, i'll giv it a 9/10.
Nite out at Anfield Burger once more....
X-ray session....
Thursday, June 25, 2009
New Trailer for 2012!
John Cusak is in the movie so don't expect it to be some low budget cheap bastard movie....can't wait for it!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sis Wedding Coverage!!
Ahem sister's just had her own wedding dinner ysterday at Cinta Sayang Club, the thing is, my sis and her bf (back then) had engaged prior, and was planning to tie the knot, but then lil Katherine come first so therefore need to postphone the dinner due to the baby, but now, things have settle down alot and sis and hubby (now) has finally been able to officially tie the knot.
Sis giv me a table of 10 person, how nice of her.......haha so surely all the Sejati buddies are called and Siang join in as well, Keng was originally in the plan, but he can't return by time, well, its ok, we'll just eat more oni wat hahaha, and Chew and Kit, too bad you both have duties back in your places, next time my wedding dinner u all must come i dun care haha ^^
And so......Me, Heng Wai and Zilie arrive prior the dinner time cuz i'm, ahem ahem, got some PR thing to do, hehe as family member need to be there earlier to help out. Dad and Me even have a small 'race' over there, as he left home first, i need to pick up Zilie first, so hmm i think i've given him a 15 minute lead ya?? Haha and luckily my Type-R didn't failed me and nice traffic to thanks too i was able to overtake him and reach the spot just in front of him haha. Dad was like :" You wanna embarrased me is it " hahahah albeit in a joking manner la, good to see him in a mood for joke, usually he'll crack under pressure should thing doens't go well or according to plan, in WHICH IT DOES T.T, anyway, here some some sneak peak at the hallroom where the dinner will be serve....
Big big place....see tat banner in the center ?
Thats Dad, checking out the area
As u can see, it realli is LARGE
The Wedding CAKE...
The Banner of the main character that i wished someday I would be in the banner with someone.....hmm....
OK, so done snapping pictures, time to work, as things starts to get crowdy, relatives to greet, haha i was like a small boy running around trying to get attention haha (i mean literally, i noe how i look like k...) and 1st chaos of the day, the guest actually are all pre-sitted onto specified tables, but due to Sis is the MAIN ORGANIZER and SHE'S behind schedule already (!) no one got the list of who to be sitted onto which table, so we took the sitting problem by our own and arrange them according to their own relatives and friends, untill i lose my own table, which is table num 18, the good feng shui place for scouting out mui mui zai T.T..... And then 2nd chaos of the day, the decoration for the reception table wasn't done, projector can't be put on as Sis's laptop wasn't there yet, hows the entrance is done still haven't be told, so in the end, a kind nice guy which is my sis's friend step up for the job and took cared of the things all around, kudos to him! And then Sis arrive and so as 3rd chaos of the day, she eventually got a panic attack(but i guess its cuz of the delays and all the stuff thats been goin on, she's kinda the perfectionist person, and she wanted things done 100%, but mayb somehow she felt like she didn't done a good job, which we all know she did, kudos SIS!!) and had a brief tear-dropping but oni for a moment b4 we all managed to calm her down....and so the Wedding Dinner officially started with she, lil katherine, and her husband walk down the red carpet.......
Sorry no pics were taken during the chaos session as we're bz as hell...After this i learn something, one person is not invincible, you should always leave the managing and organize to someone else, perhaps an event organizer? Hmm cause seriously you can't be at two place at a time, and to be honest hehe i think i got a knack for PR things haha or organizing thing, i think its kinda fun, but hehe think i'll leave that to the experienced...
So pictures continue, as all the jobs doned, the dishes arrived, everyone was digging and digging and digging and didn't leave some for the photographer....(ME)
Beckham (Jian Wei), Yao Hui, and Peng, the new found worker for Venis Bodykit
Zilie at the right side
Ah Chun, our new buddy was there too !
And then Heng Wai and Siang......who......
get drunked even b4 the booze were there...
Edward, good guy la him...albeit abit gay...
The "Royal" table haha with the King and Queen and the Princess up front
Big Aunt and Lil Aunt, Big Aunt came down all the way from S'pore just for the wedding, thanks well as Uncle John, who fly all the way here from Aussie
Me and Edward taking some pics together

Cake Cutting Ceremony

Champagne pouring session

Katherine was posing all the way...
And apparently she got a lil too much of the camera she turns dizzy edi
, with sis givin a speech

Beckham face is all red, as well as Yao Hui
Ah Chun givs out a chick magnet look
Eat is their main priority

The Cham-Cha (倒茶) session

Mom and a relative from the husband side
This is da man! Kudos to him for helping out all the stuff during the chaos session
And this girl too, haha beautiful leh, i fall in love d....too bad i'm too young for her leh...huhu
And the Mesmerizing Trio haha, Big Aunt's daughters, from left is Lisa, Racheal, and Michelle
The Couple of the Day with friends
Second Uncle with his wife, his son Lip Weng and daughter Li Lee, too bad the others can't come...
The Husband's side of family, see the left one see the left one..hahaa
Chen Ning, Yiok Huan(sis's husband) lil sister, thanks her for helping too
Susan Gan, Sis's all time 'ji-mui'
Amanda, Sis's friend from Aussie
Katherine and Yiok Huan
And a good picture with some rarely seen relative and friend, haha know which is me?? Good thing i'm still taller than Michelle and Lisa haha
The dinner then went on smoothly, with everyone parted ways in a happy and satisfied mood haha, but we're arent finish, second round starts at Oldtown, Lagenda Height

Peng was..........showing
And last but not least some pics my friend taken of me and Edward

So this was it, my sis is married, so it will be me next......hmm still got some years to kill, who's willing to be my wife wor.....i hope its U k......hmm.....
Kudos and thanks for everyone who helped during the dinner, congrat Sis for a good wedding dinner oso!! This is one hell of a wedding dinner...
Sis giv me a table of 10 person, how nice of her.......haha so surely all the Sejati buddies are called and Siang join in as well, Keng was originally in the plan, but he can't return by time, well, its ok, we'll just eat more oni wat hahaha, and Chew and Kit, too bad you both have duties back in your places, next time my wedding dinner u all must come i dun care haha ^^
And so......Me, Heng Wai and Zilie arrive prior the dinner time cuz i'm, ahem ahem, got some PR thing to do, hehe as family member need to be there earlier to help out. Dad and Me even have a small 'race' over there, as he left home first, i need to pick up Zilie first, so hmm i think i've given him a 15 minute lead ya?? Haha and luckily my Type-R didn't failed me and nice traffic to thanks too i was able to overtake him and reach the spot just in front of him haha. Dad was like :" You wanna embarrased me is it " hahahah albeit in a joking manner la, good to see him in a mood for joke, usually he'll crack under pressure should thing doens't go well or according to plan, in WHICH IT DOES T.T, anyway, here some some sneak peak at the hallroom where the dinner will be serve....
Big big place....see tat banner in the center ?
Thats Dad, checking out the area
As u can see, it realli is LARGE
The Wedding CAKE...
The Banner of the main character that i wished someday I would be in the banner with someone.....hmm....
OK, so done snapping pictures, time to work, as things starts to get crowdy, relatives to greet, haha i was like a small boy running around trying to get attention haha (i mean literally, i noe how i look like k...) and 1st chaos of the day, the guest actually are all pre-sitted onto specified tables, but due to Sis is the MAIN ORGANIZER and SHE'S behind schedule already (!) no one got the list of who to be sitted onto which table, so we took the sitting problem by our own and arrange them according to their own relatives and friends, untill i lose my own table, which is table num 18, the good feng shui place for scouting out mui mui zai T.T..... And then 2nd chaos of the day, the decoration for the reception table wasn't done, projector can't be put on as Sis's laptop wasn't there yet, hows the entrance is done still haven't be told, so in the end, a kind nice guy which is my sis's friend step up for the job and took cared of the things all around, kudos to him! And then Sis arrive and so as 3rd chaos of the day, she eventually got a panic attack(but i guess its cuz of the delays and all the stuff thats been goin on, she's kinda the perfectionist person, and she wanted things done 100%, but mayb somehow she felt like she didn't done a good job, which we all know she did, kudos SIS!!) and had a brief tear-dropping but oni for a moment b4 we all managed to calm her down....and so the Wedding Dinner officially started with she, lil katherine, and her husband walk down the red carpet.......
Sorry no pics were taken during the chaos session as we're bz as hell...After this i learn something, one person is not invincible, you should always leave the managing and organize to someone else, perhaps an event organizer? Hmm cause seriously you can't be at two place at a time, and to be honest hehe i think i got a knack for PR things haha or organizing thing, i think its kinda fun, but hehe think i'll leave that to the experienced...
So pictures continue, as all the jobs doned, the dishes arrived, everyone was digging and digging and digging and didn't leave some for the photographer....(ME)
Beckham (Jian Wei), Yao Hui, and Peng, the new found worker for Venis Bodykit
Zilie at the right side
Ah Chun, our new buddy was there too !
And then Heng Wai and Siang......who......
get drunked even b4 the booze were there...
Edward, good guy la him...albeit abit gay...
The "Royal" table haha with the King and Queen and the Princess up front
Big Aunt and Lil Aunt, Big Aunt came down all the way from S'pore just for the wedding, thanks well as Uncle John, who fly all the way here from Aussie
Me and Edward taking some pics together

Cake Cutting Ceremony
Champagne pouring session
Katherine was posing all the way...
And apparently she got a lil too much of the camera she turns dizzy edi
Beckham face is all red, as well as Yao Hui
Ah Chun givs out a chick magnet look
Eat is their main priority
The Cham-Cha (倒茶) session
Mom and a relative from the husband side
This is da man! Kudos to him for helping out all the stuff during the chaos session
And this girl too, haha beautiful leh, i fall in love d....too bad i'm too young for her leh...huhu
And the Mesmerizing Trio haha, Big Aunt's daughters, from left is Lisa, Racheal, and Michelle
The Couple of the Day with friends
Second Uncle with his wife, his son Lip Weng and daughter Li Lee, too bad the others can't come...
The Husband's side of family, see the left one see the left one..hahaa
Chen Ning, Yiok Huan(sis's husband) lil sister, thanks her for helping too
Susan Gan, Sis's all time 'ji-mui'
Amanda, Sis's friend from Aussie
Katherine and Yiok Huan
And a good picture with some rarely seen relative and friend, haha know which is me?? Good thing i'm still taller than Michelle and Lisa haha
The dinner then went on smoothly, with everyone parted ways in a happy and satisfied mood haha, but we're arent finish, second round starts at Oldtown, Lagenda Height
Peng was..........showing
And last but not least some pics my friend taken of me and Edward


So this was it, my sis is married, so it will be me next......hmm still got some years to kill, who's willing to be my wife wor.....i hope its U k......hmm.....
Kudos and thanks for everyone who helped during the dinner, congrat Sis for a good wedding dinner oso!! This is one hell of a wedding dinner...
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