Nike Total 90 Laser III

Quite striking rite?? Nothing i'd imagine or expected.....
First up the inside of the boot has been fully used up and covered with the enhanced ShotShield technology, for increase in power, accuracy and swerve.

The five red area surve as the main area that contributes to power shots, while the black area are responsible for most swerving purpose, accordingly the new ShotShield tech has been made even softer, so that the ShotShield itself wont be too stiff to limits out ur movement, like it was in the Laser II boot...

Comment's from Fernando Torres:
"I worked closely with the Nike design team on the Total 90 Laser III, and it definitely provides another dimension to my game, giving me more accuracy, power and swerve.
What I like about the Nike Football+ system is that now every player can improve their skills with tips from me and insights from top coaches on the pitch or on the go."
Seeing how different and drastic the changes are from the previous Laser I and II boot, it sorta has gone back to the roots of the Laser I boot, seeing some resemblance with the lacing system and the place of the ShotShield, back then the Laser I (which i think looks amazingly nice) has a ShotShield more to the center of the shoe, it doesn't covered the inside much, however, the III remakes this by covering the whole section up. Meaning u'll get power, if u kick from the inside for sure. Overall i think the color is brave, its definitely a attention getter, but not clever, i'm anticipating new colorways, such as a white colour or a obsidian with metallic silver on the Laser II which is a very interesting colour i personally think. Oh and one more thing, for every purchase for this boots u'll get a code to enable you to download a training video clip, specially developed by Juventus FC to help improve accuracy and shot power.
The Obsidian and Metallic Silver Laser II
However, one downside i met with this boot is that, it has the same downside as the Predator X, it doesn't look good.....the only thing that amazes me about is how much power will u get from that ugly look? And the black area of the ShotShield, their from plain rubber, so time to time of playing and swerving, wear and tear's gonna occur. I mean seriously, compare this to the Laser I i'll hands down pick the Laser I, even the Laser II looks better than this...and being the main colour or tradition colour
The Laser I has white and black, nice~

The Laser II has the Dark Volt and Electric Green which is still ok~
But the Laser III's new colourway will surely getting tons of attention, negative attention that is, its the colour that u'll expect to see in, a F50i or Mercurial, not on a Power Shot shoe....so the looks not nice, the colour's not nice, lets just hopes that the performance of the boots puts up to it. Currently only one more additional colourway which is white and blue with gold ShotShield element.

Stay tune for more updates on the review of the Total 90 Laser III from:

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