According to Wikipedia, it is explained that :
"The Adidas Kampung shoe is a generic name for cheap black rubber shoes that are usually made in Malaysia. It gained attention in the blogosphere when it was featured as having been used to win various climbathons. Its similarities to the famed stripes on Adidas shoes earned it the moniker Adidas Kampung, or the Village Adidas as it is easily found in sundry shops in the villages of Malaysia.
Adidas Kampungs are available in Malaysia for under RM10.00."
Apparently, Malaysian participant Safrey Sumping managed to become the 4th person to reach the top of Mount Kinabalu on 21st Mount Kinabalu Climbathon 2007 in a Adidas Kampung..........while others uses 'proper' climbing shoes (!!).......=.="

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