I understand that you have a bf, i'm probably just a spare for u at this moment...but i sincerely cares for you and treats you, i don't know mayb not good enough for you?? But can u atleast pay some attention to me? I ask you that day, have you got home??? And u didn't reply me but after 3 hour u message bout u felt guilty of ur bf.....fine, u said u wanna to shared something with me rite, its k...but after tat i msg u once in the morning telling u to least msg me when u got to png, another once in nite when i wished u nitez, till now, theres no reply what so ever, but then u showed up right in front of me in SP which is to be the second day ur in png....whats that?? huh?! u give me a laugh oni, ur bf so fucked up that u can't greet ur FRIEND is it??? i AM WORRIED SICK, SO SICK I LITTERALY GET SICK, worried whether ur home in sp d or not, worried whether u arrive penang safely d? Yet after that u msg me what? another past-message-not-important-message telling me u didnt have charger, so bad luck, DO U ATLEAST KNOW HOW I FELT JUST NOW??! i was told to believed ur in png, but no ur in sp......but why u should tell me rite?
But still i'm sure u'll think what am i worrying bout? i overrated stuff, i think too much, maybe, but still...i realli believe so much in you and me, i realli believe that kiss isn't just a kiss, i realli believe those caring aren't just caring, i realli believe we had something goin on.....i'm just too fed up...i've had so many downs no ups or whatsoever lately, i can't find any reason u'll left a 3 year relationship that you have with a guy so fucked up he beat u in front of everyone and make u cry like hell, to a ordinary guy that like you at the first moment and cared for you for just 4 months.....i realli don't know...but still, i'm ready for the worst, your right, its totally selfish that i called you to wait for me if i gone to Aussie, so if ur not ready for that i totally understand.....but i'll still be here, waiting for your Yes or No and i promise to wont commit to anyone else or whatsoever, thats just how i am, i still love you, i trust u oso love me....just can you at least let me think what are you thinking realli??
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Kadet Polis in 2009's Lapan Pasukan Competition
Part 1
Part 2
Guys, So So Sorry for shaky cam works, i'm not a professional vidgrapher so dun expect very good quality la ya??
Anyway, from what i see, basic marching is simple, but takes time to build up that i know, so time is the issue, u guys have to cleverly use the time u all have to build up that good quality which the bekas bekas all have, secondly, bout the people, you guys have got to figure out some strategy, or new ways to bring the people back in KP for good, i went there that day, and i saw some member which a pain in the ass back then now fighting for KP, seriously, thats what i never ever expected to see....anwyay, second is better than nothing rite guys? dun think bout this anymore, you guys wanna go to GO, train hard, if you all don't want, fine, use the rest of the year to build up that good quality of basic marching for next year competition say......bring back the Champion of Lapan? Girls division, don't sad! Try Out next year! Bekas will all be there!
Kudos to PKP SMJK SMSM!!
Part 2
Guys, So So Sorry for shaky cam works, i'm not a professional vidgrapher so dun expect very good quality la ya??
Anyway, from what i see, basic marching is simple, but takes time to build up that i know, so time is the issue, u guys have to cleverly use the time u all have to build up that good quality which the bekas bekas all have, secondly, bout the people, you guys have got to figure out some strategy, or new ways to bring the people back in KP for good, i went there that day, and i saw some member which a pain in the ass back then now fighting for KP, seriously, thats what i never ever expected to see....anwyay, second is better than nothing rite guys? dun think bout this anymore, you guys wanna go to GO, train hard, if you all don't want, fine, use the rest of the year to build up that good quality of basic marching for next year competition say......bring back the Champion of Lapan? Girls division, don't sad! Try Out next year! Bekas will all be there!
Kudos to PKP SMJK SMSM!!
Winning Shot of the Week!!
39 yards out, with a ball streaming over you at speed of 64 mp/h, dare to catch it???
Sunday, April 19, 2009
IELTS exam...Band 8 possible???
Jz finish my big test of IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, for the qualified mark so that i can continue my studies to......er....australia....haiz....
anyway, i did good i think, PgDori and i we experience too much excitement that we both may have gone off topic on the Essay Task 2....which is asking us to state how important advertisement is for a product, and we both write untill we used packaging for our points.....guess what points i used? television and Satria R3 haha....but anyway i wasn't so satisfied with my oral speaking session......as i had a normal typical malaysian as my examiner......i was thrilled to met a foreigner for this session, i dun know why, but i find foreigner are much more friendly compare to m'sian...overall i did good i guess, with a margin of error for maximum 5 ques for the reading and listening each, but PgDori said he was lost during the reading section, well hope he do alrite, cheer up bro!
And sori i can't snap up any pics (its an exam, duh!) but i did snap up on some liquorish pics of the hotel's (we did the exam in Cititel) jap restaurant
nice way of decoration i must say...

anyway, i did good i think, PgDori and i we experience too much excitement that we both may have gone off topic on the Essay Task 2....which is asking us to state how important advertisement is for a product, and we both write untill we used packaging for our points.....guess what points i used? television and Satria R3 haha....but anyway i wasn't so satisfied with my oral speaking session......as i had a normal typical malaysian as my examiner......i was thrilled to met a foreigner for this session, i dun know why, but i find foreigner are much more friendly compare to m'sian...overall i did good i guess, with a margin of error for maximum 5 ques for the reading and listening each, but PgDori said he was lost during the reading section, well hope he do alrite, cheer up bro!
And sori i can't snap up any pics (its an exam, duh!) but i did snap up on some liquorish pics of the hotel's (we did the exam in Cititel) jap restaurant
nice way of decoration i must say...
Poor ol cat.....
Oh and oso these....
While in British Council....
I had some enjoyed time during my stint in British Council, the lecturers, Narinder and Emma was so nice i ended missing their teachings already since i've finish the prep course.....haiz....but still, i totally recommended it to everyone, they provide much better english education than typical secondary school syllabus...btw, saw these while i was there...
This was my secondary school's flag or emblem or things like this, apparently British Council has pay visit to there and the school giv this as a memento....hmm.....not bad ar....the school's name got into a international learning centre...
This was my secondary school's flag or emblem or things like this, apparently British Council has pay visit to there and the school giv this as a memento....hmm.....not bad ar....the school's name got into a international learning centre...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Nite out at Gurney Roundabout
Ulqiuorra seeing the meaning of heart...

Wonder y he was reaching hand towards Inoue.........he even asked Inoue whether he's scary to her, in which she reply he's not(in the last epi).......Ulqiourra is one interesting character, in which they should make a special movie on him instead of Toshiro (Diamonddust Rebellion?)
This is the newest edition of Bleach's manga, its still in raw form yet hasn't gone through filtering and enhancement, that's why it looks like bad artwork.....
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Word of wisdom....
This is something MALAYSIA wont achieved, cuz no matter how hard you work in m'sia, a worker wont be able to :
"Obtain enthusiastic, visible support from the top. When leaders are seen to support trainer developement, all employees get the message that learning is valued and important element of work. "
So therefore, m'sia worker wont go learn something new themselve and therefore, m'sia wont improve...
"Obtain enthusiastic, visible support from the top. When leaders are seen to support trainer developement, all employees get the message that learning is valued and important element of work. "
So therefore, m'sia worker wont go learn something new themselve and therefore, m'sia wont improve...
Nite out with EX...haha
Sue called me for a meet as she's due to KL for studies this Wednesday 15 April (today), and since she called up Keng too, i guess i can't realli reject the offer rite..so we end up in 茶坊, a nice nice place to drink chinese tea near my home.....Keng did not show up but Sue's friend Caren was there pulak....she was laughed so much i was so scared she might get a stroke so i forgot to snap pics...the only pic i got snap was this, her own 'diy'ed phone...

So sad that Sue's gonna leave...she's been an exceptional friend for me, she can be said as, without her in my life i wont have today.....although we couldn't be couple but we sure are one hell of a friend, alot of ppl have said bad things for her, but mayb thats just cuz they don't understand her......
See? Most of the time, we think of how better person we are, so we have the rights to say bad things or to comment on other ppl, hell (This is my mouth ma! I can say what i want...) thats an awfully bad thing to say, as well as irresponsibble, things we say and be heard can't be taken back or undoed, we don't have the privellages to get to know a person from head to toe, from 0 to all, think, how much do u realli REALLI know bout your friend? U may think u do, but is it?? Is what you do really is what symbolizes your friend? NO......we wont realli understood a person, unless your family, and that also does not guarantee understanding....
The point is, a noobie racer can't place a comment on a F1 racer, so are we! WE are HUMAN, same standard HUMAN, if we were to place comment its gonna be animals, not human too......someone will probably say, BULLSHIT, without comment the world wont improve, but please, how well have we improve, and how much damages have been cause, of comment?
One canot expect one to change, one can only accept the other one....
So sad that Sue's gonna leave...she's been an exceptional friend for me, she can be said as, without her in my life i wont have today.....although we couldn't be couple but we sure are one hell of a friend, alot of ppl have said bad things for her, but mayb thats just cuz they don't understand her......
See? Most of the time, we think of how better person we are, so we have the rights to say bad things or to comment on other ppl, hell (This is my mouth ma! I can say what i want...) thats an awfully bad thing to say, as well as irresponsibble, things we say and be heard can't be taken back or undoed, we don't have the privellages to get to know a person from head to toe, from 0 to all, think, how much do u realli REALLI know bout your friend? U may think u do, but is it?? Is what you do really is what symbolizes your friend? NO......we wont realli understood a person, unless your family, and that also does not guarantee understanding....
The point is, a noobie racer can't place a comment on a F1 racer, so are we! WE are HUMAN, same standard HUMAN, if we were to place comment its gonna be animals, not human too......someone will probably say, BULLSHIT, without comment the world wont improve, but please, how well have we improve, and how much damages have been cause, of comment?
One canot expect one to change, one can only accept the other one....
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Grandma's bday
It was grand ma's bday, so thought of sharing with ya'll my family haha

小姑's Baby showing us the 1-2-3 of drinking water though a straw...

Lil Katherine looks like she's picking prawns but she's not...still i think she has that look that normal babies dun....the cutest look haha

Some motherly love goin on..

Lip Chin and 阿嫂

立雄(don know his eng name paiseh....)kids with kathering at the back

Old bean with grand ma

立莉,立雄,立永(is it?) their all my older cousins and below is their mom which is my....i dunno what is called..

Big big cake..
小姑's Baby showing us the 1-2-3 of drinking water though a straw...
Lil Katherine looks like she's picking prawns but she's not...still i think she has that look that normal babies dun....the cutest look haha
Some motherly love goin on..
Lip Chin and 阿嫂
立雄(don know his eng name paiseh....)kids with kathering at the back
Old bean with grand ma
立莉,立雄,立永(is it?) their all my older cousins and below is their mom which is my....i dunno what is called..
Big big cake..
Autocross at Sungai Petani
Was goin out on my maiden voyage into the competition world of autocross, and what a maiden voyage it was as although the track is set very very very easy.....i still end up last last in the back......T.T....nevertheless! more practice i shall do and more handbrake i shall pull! Wakaka!!!

My car that day, blessed with the vegetarian pau haha atleast it does blessed me by not being the last...well second last is good enough haha below is Ah Siang's car, overall 8th oo!

Victor's car, overall 2nd

The great Julian Pang's car, as expected, overall 1st. While Boon oso participated in this car and end up overall 3nd. A 1 2 3 podium finish for TCM!

TCM's 战团!

One of the drifters

TE37, with trueno head...dun get fool!

The FD from pendang, this guy still have a red FC with T04Z......damn

This is how hardcore there were that day....my puny saga againts track cars....and still come out 6th overall(Pg dori in the car) while i just be able to end up in last oni....haiz..

A super rare Toyota Levin Corolla AE86 coupe......which is the tailed version not the usual hatchback which is already rare....this car as pgdori tell me was running 20B weber carb....damn, i've fell in love with this car d how?????

hao siao camber setting...see the tail of the AE86??

Our food of the day....

My run of the day, i think i had better run but i only got this run recorded....well i wasnt aggressive enough realli, still got alot to correct, for more vids please go to pgdori.blogspot.com.
Haiz haiz overall last second like this.....and i'm still running good tyres kinda made me tulan abit....hehe but still its an exciting day....
My car that day, blessed with the vegetarian pau haha atleast it does blessed me by not being the last...well second last is good enough haha below is Ah Siang's car, overall 8th oo!
Victor's car, overall 2nd
The great Julian Pang's car, as expected, overall 1st. While Boon oso participated in this car and end up overall 3nd. A 1 2 3 podium finish for TCM!
TCM's 战团!
One of the drifters
TE37, with trueno head...dun get fool!
The FD from pendang, this guy still have a red FC with T04Z......damn
This is how hardcore there were that day....my puny saga againts track cars....and still come out 6th overall(Pg dori in the car) while i just be able to end up in last oni....haiz..
A super rare Toyota Levin Corolla AE86 coupe......which is the tailed version not the usual hatchback which is already rare....this car as pgdori tell me was running 20B weber carb....damn, i've fell in love with this car d how?????
hao siao camber setting...see the tail of the AE86??
Our food of the day....
My run of the day, i think i had better run but i only got this run recorded....well i wasnt aggressive enough realli, still got alot to correct, for more vids please go to pgdori.blogspot.com.
Haiz haiz overall last second like this.....and i'm still running good tyres kinda made me tulan abit....hehe but still its an exciting day....
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