Today the weather forecast predicted Rain with max 30 degrees and lowest 25 degrees Celsius. And when i was awake it struck me that although it rain, its still pretty warm and humid, probably 90% humidity, so, Rain+Warm+Humid, the shittiest condition u wanna play in.
Nonetheless, did a revolution today, i had noodles with egg and sausage, and then drink plenty of water the whole day before i go training. It also truck me that alot of pro players have pasta before match....hmm try out that theory see....and i read from a soccer mag about one of the preparation before match is drink alot of water to rehydrate ur body. Warming up, stretches, and then we move on to foot works which is the 'human-gymkhana' or the cone and ladders thing again, and surprise surprise, im still pretty beefed up after we done all that. So the fatigue really did go away, and my fitness level really did go up. You know you always get that feeling of ur throat dried up when ur exhausted? Never happen ~
Move on to the 'gymkhana' section, we did just 4 sets but each we put 110% into it, as we're not suppose to knock down any ONE of those cones or ladders, cause if we do, then we're screwed for massive exercise. So first up:

ON the left side, first we start from the first Red line and sprint sideways to the second, back to the first, then to the third, back to second and then go sideways through the ladder, all the way to through the cones.
ON the right side, on the center Red Dot, we run to the right one, thn backwards back to the center, and the same on the left side, and then advance to the ladders, which we need to put two feet into the space between the ladders, while finish up with the dotted lines mean u run with u kicking ur leg backwards as u run, while the straight lines means u run with ur knee ups. Both side ends with a light jog to the starting point, we did the left side 4 times, and the right side 3 times.
Now the layout is still the same, just what we do with it is different, this time,

ON the left side, this time instead of sideways, we sprint towards, and backwards, and the steps is still the same. Then, we must jump across the ladder with just one foot, knee up, and then jump over the cones with two feet, knee up.
ON the right side, first from the center dot, we run across the right dot, across the center, thn across the left dot, thn across the center again, we must go AROUND the dot, not just over it, as i drawed above (i know it sucks but u got the idea~), after that, its two foot in, two foot out between the ladders, end with sideways across the red dots afterward.
We did each 4 times.
And then, we had GK training~~woohoo~~ the topic for today's training was Starting an Attack. Its basic knowledge of GK starting a fast counterattack or just playing a ball to the winger or midfield and begins the attack. But normally how fast can we react? The trick is, the on field players must also cope with this, is that they must be ready and positioning themselves in the midst of defending, and as the keeper gets the ball, within 1 or 2 secs the keeper can either throw to the middle (or more recommended) to the sides, to the wingers. As at those points, if we lose possession we can still delay their attack while trying to retaining it, if we lose possession at the middle, thn we're fucked up pretty bad. Its not uncommon to see, especially at pro level, that their midfield get tackled and opponent grabs the possession, with just 1 or 2 pass, or just 1 or 2 touch, they can scored a goal out of that, easily.

Our training today mainly is, (as we have 5 keeper), 1 keeper is at the post, while 4 other is at the middle lines, and the training starts by a knuckle push ups 5 times (all of us) and the coach will kick a ball to the GK in the post, and shout out the 'on-field' keeper's name and the GK must throw or roll, in any means distribute the ball to the player that the coach says his name. So example, after the 5 push ups, the coach kicks a ball to the GK in the post, and yelled out Han~ and im standing on the far left corner, he must as fast as possible, throw or roll the ball to me, and then we're down on 5 push ups again and then its another person's turn to receive the ball. There will be dummies that wont move, standing there as an imposing opponent's striker, and it will surprise u by how much we manage to hit those dummies. So 1 GK will play this 4 times, and rotates until all GK has done it once. We did 2 sets of this. Thats 200 push ups...

And the second sets move the center two GK to the sides, albeit further up. So now the same thing still, just now the GK in post must throw a longer and further throw to the further up sides. AND it seems, without any guidance or whatsoever before, im the only one which is having difficulties with it, as what happen is that i've been throwing with the wrong technique all this time, for almost 5 years of playing without guidance, it amazes me of how much thing i have been doing wrong, guess the unorthodox way of doing stuff will never be as good and efficient as the orthodox ones. Nonetheless, i've learned the proper way, and am doing it right instantly.
The most youngest keeper is probably 17, and then 18, and then its me and another one, and the oldest is probably 22, and it seems that even though my age is in the middle, clearly my experience is at the lowest. This guys have all undergo training at clubs before, and it really surprise me, of how much the difference between 5 year unorthodox experience and a 2 year orthodox training can be. And how many player in my friend list in M'sia that had orthodox training before? NONE~probably some guys in the Youngster but hell, when im there, the only orthodox training i had was only within 5 times, in almost 7-8 months duration. And that's not even GK training! WTH~~ None the less, the sogginess of the ground did make up the bad day of me, as well as comes out the pitch looking like i just showered, and worse, my Eczema seem to have kick back in with the rain water and dirt and things like that, its settle down now, but it really doesn't feel good that time. In total of all the GK training ( including the second set, we did 2 sets too) i've done 400 push ups....still hanging in there, no problem ^^ After the GK sessions the coach (well he's just a coach, not a GK coach) so he'd ask us to go and have a little footwork session with the players (as they were playing tennis, albeit u play with ur feet, Cruz u should know this its like the Lahm vs Cisse thing in the Adidas ad) but we stayed on and continue on some shooting practice, as well as goal kick practice.
And thats whats the 6th Training Session i've had looks like. ^^
Its 1.46AM now and im still drying my clothes on the heater T.T..
appreciate tat..i learn a lot
ReplyDeletehaha nvm ~ today the players doesn't do much other than some run, something like the C-set and then they just play the tennis oni ~