Tuesday is my first training session with the Thirds, which is sorta like their Youth Team. And it really does felt more relax and not as tension as the Firsts. Basically there's the Firsts, which is the Senior Team, then there is Reserve, which is like Senior's Team's sub players, and Thirds, the Youth Team.
Firstly on Tuesday we did this ~

Which is basically, you start from the bottom left Red Square, move up to go zig zag across the Green Dots, up to the Red Square, and go to front and back across the Blue Dot, means u first run to the first dot, thn reverse to the second, and run to the third and so on. Then go sideways across another set of Blue Dot, and thn went on to the ladder, which step in with one foot at the time. Repeat this for 5 times, and then 4 times WITH A BALL. It amazes me how difficult it is ! Most of us, including the experienced guys, all were like kids with a ball down there, it is sooo unimaginably difficult, if your planning to become like C.Ron, master this first... and after that we have a short game stint, and it was pretty so-so but things change for Thursday ~
Thursday we first have a fast sprint session first, where we need to sprint 60M for like 5 times and then do a 40M sprint for like 5 times as well, on my first run, bam, my thigh is finish ~ cuz on Tuesday we did the same thing at the finish of the game, then i have already pulled my thigh muscle i think, so this time it really wasn't goin to give in, i can use no energy at all, i can run slowly, but not sprint.....so i ended up just did 2 big laps of the field to make up for the runs, weirdly, the 2 laps doesn't seem to have a big effect on me~ its like my stamina has increased dramatically ^^ Then we did a practice session of attacking
First we have a goalpost with me again, looking sweaty this time, and with 3 spots marked by the Red Square 1 2 and 3, with players a,b, and c. Blue dot is the BALL.

Firstly, player b will pass the ball to on coming player a, which at the same time, player c make his run into the middle.

Upon one touch, player a will pass the ball to player c which is in the middle at that time, while after initiated the first pass, player b will now proceed to run to the far side of the pitch

Again, upon one touch, player c will then send a wide ball to player b while player a and c make their run in to the penalty box after their passes with the balls.

By the time player b controls the ball he can channel up the balls to either front post (player a) or far post (player c) and then both will try to finish up in a goal, hopefully.

The training was quite good, my reflex has gone back, my ball gripping ability is now superb, everything is spot on for me now, im dying for another match with Evergreen to surprise them!
(i do realize the pictures it abit small, so do click on them to be viewed larger, sorry ~~)
understood sir!