Knowing the bus may go with the public holiday schedule (as Sunday's schedule) i went out at 5 even though the training starts at 7, to catch the bus as Sunday's timetable tend to be abit wide between each buses. But ~~~ as it turns out, on public holiday the direct bus from my place to La Trobe doesn't run that day!! I need to go to a place upper of Collingwood ( wher im staying) which is call Clifton Hill, and from there switch to another bus, that goes to La Trobe. I only discovered this at 6 ~~ so when i got there(Clifton Hill) its alreayd 6.05, and the next bus is 6.33 ==
DAMN!!! i thought, and i rang up our coach and tell him bout it, he was cool with it and just tell me to go easy, and i did and arrive 5 minutes late. HOWEVER~ they've all finished up the basic warm up (stretching) and has now begun some intensive runs and jumps. Similiar to what we've done on on Training 1 and 2, but has now increase the duration to another level. Instead of doing 2 times or 3 times on one activity, we've gotta go 3 or 4 times. So maybe at first we gotta do 2 sets then have a break, now we gotta do 4, it almost double up~
Warming up exercise is still consists of the 'human-gymkhana' thing, with a few examples being(sorry bout the drawings, they look like dinosaurs though...) :

The BLACK dot is cones, and the RED line indicates u gotta run with ur knee up to ur waist, so ur actually 'jumping' around, not running; YELLOW line indicates u gotta run forward to one cone, thn backward to the other cone, a simple indication being the arrow pointed direction is the direction ur face is pointing, so ur just pointing to 1 direction. And the duration of this also increase, by doing 3 times our face point to our right, and 3 times our face points to our left. The GREEN line indicates we run sideways, so we just go sideways to each cones, while the BLUE line means, run to one cone, go around it 360 degrees, thn run to the other cone, get around it, thn so on. All lines ends with running to the cone on top, pass it, thn go to the starting point and start again. The other part is with jumping across or around cones and with ladders and obstacle, which i'll be covering in the next Training post as its quite extensive.
Moving on, AS i didn't stretch or anything and just start to 'rev' myself into redline, fatigue starts to kick in laterwards....we have training on 'Football Channel' today. A brief and simple explanation from Wikipedia is that
"The channels are subjectively described (there is no specific marking of the pitch) as the areas in which wide-playing strikers look for the ball, being a vertical strip extending from the goal-line toward the half-way line close to, but not too near the widest part of the pitch, an area more commonly occupied by a winger."
What we have here, is the RED dot represents a flag. GREEN dot is the STRIKERS, while BLUE dot is the WINGER.

1.From the start of the attack, Winger pass the ball to player A, and as B is coming up to support the attack, B has the vision of the upper field, while as A has to turn back to accept the pass from Winger, he doesn't have the vision of the upper field, from this point onwards, B has the advantage of making decisions to shoot, or pass, if pass, to who, to where, and so on. So A is recommended to pass the ball, to B, in Pass 1.
2.Which the Winger now is an available form of attack, its recommended, to set the Winger into play, by sending a far ball up, in Pass 2.

3. As B passes the far ball up in Pass 2, this is where the rhythm change to quick, as Winger's Run 1, and the player A and B's Run 1, all begun, at the same time. So A and B must go pass the Flag 3, and connects with Winger, who at that point has to be ready to cross in.
* A and B's run across Flag 3's purpose, is to create space for the Winger's crosses, so instead of having 1 player in the Penalty Box, we have 2, which has a better percentage of scoring, as well, a better chance to retain ball possession, should 1 player fail to make a goal.

So again, as B starts pass 2, Winger can now sprint up through the defenders that are defending him (if theres any) and A and B can now sprint pass central midfielders or defenders that are guarding them as well ( if theres any) connect with the cross, hopefully, resulting in a goal.
Timing is really, the essence in this training, or this attack, as it doesn't take one delayed of seconds to 'wait' for players, as 'defenders would have already break your leg if u do wait for others', as quoted by our coach. After a pass has been made, no matter which position your are, your attacking or defending, you should always on a move, after a pass, move, create space and support for ur teammate. Football channel is basically about, how strikers channel the ball to the wingers to create spaces and opportunity to the strikers, and then channel the ball back again to the strikers to utilize that opportunity.
The GK's training today was pretty straightforward, to stop the goals from being scored. As we have (includin me) 3 GK's we rotate each other after 4 shots, goal or no goal. So it wasn't pretty tiring actually, but i do get a few balls in due to weak legs and such, plus one bad timing co-ordination that resulted in the ball slipped through my waist, DAMN! #$^%# But my catching technique is coming back, just a little bit, but its there, its still there, and its coming out now. ^^ And also due to my fatigue from the warm ups, ohhhhhhhhh but nonetheless, exercise today was quite light as well, we did:
25 wide arms push ups
25 crunches (like sit ups) x2
30 swing arm (which is u lift ur leg up, and swing ur arm left to right for 30 times)
25 closed arms push ups, with the 25th push up finishes by holding in half way position for 10 seconds
(i dunno what this is called, but its like, u lying down with ur knee up and ur feet close to u, thn u just use ur finger and touch ur shoe, from left hand = left feet, to right hand = right feet, do for 30 times)
and (push ups positions, but put ur arms on the ground and just keep it that way for 1 minute more) x2
30 wide arms push ups with the 30th push ups finishes by holding half way position for 10 secs
and lastly, u lie down with one partner standing above u, and u lift both of your legs up to his body, do 15 times.
Now its 1.52am, am abit tired, but still thinking wat to improve and all the theory behind today. I still have my divings, my overhead shots (which is shots that is higher or above your head), my catchings......glove look pretty 'clean' today, not happy bout it...should be damn ol dirty....hahahahahha jk jk, well a few more millimeters patches comes up, but still alrite, still in 98% condition. I try using short socks for today's training, but don't really think their quite good, as in the beginning i felt my foot is expanding and its hurting me so i gotta loosens up shoelaces, but that gets me abit of blisters pulak =.=....
Anyway....i suck today, but i held my head up high, tomorrows always there for you(me^^). Oh, and yea one more thing, i got called a FREE KICK SPECIALIST woohoo^^, not gonna talk bout that, just move on.........
ReplyDeletewat a long article,but hard to understand if i din rili read properly
but i made it,i gt the idea
yeah,i agree with ur coach
tat my weakness too...i find tat if i rili have a long long time no ply football i m ''lazy''to move = =
"even u r in attk or def u must always in move moment,if u await the defender broke ur leg"
tis jing dian
i like it
hahahahaha, our coach even points to one guy oso in the training when he says this, he says, this guy is nasty, if u get the ball and wait, he will come and kick the hell out of you. hahahahaha