These were retailed $400 and is selling up to $1000 in Ebay now, only in limited numbers of 2508. This here is number 1069th.

With 2008 is 'firm ground', which is with normal studs, while 500 is 'soft ground', which has 6 metal studs and are abit heavier due to the metal studs. Thiis is a view of the firm ground studs.

"The development process for Nike took 3 years, and spanned four different continents. When developing the cleat, Nike didn’t care about money, time, or manufacturing considerations. They had one goal…build the best soccer cleat."

Now u have ur carbon fiber footwear, how bout some carbon fiber protection? Thats when the Mercurial Blade Shin Guard comes into play.

Unlike the Mercurial SL which has been selled out ages ago, the Mercurial Blade has just been released earlier and it wasn't a limited item as well, but dare not to think that its cheap, as u mayb looking at $100 for 1 of these pairs. Aside from being lightweight (obviously), and protection (obviously~~) there are also quite comfy, with laser etched foam channels to wick away moisture.
One thing i like about the Mercurial Blade as well as some of the on-coming design for shin guards are that they now come instead of using stick patches with elastic bandage they now uses a elastic, lightweight 'pouch' that wraps around ur leg like a sock, as well have a little pouch to slide the shin guard in. Brilliant~~ as what i've always experience with shin guards is that they always tend to slip, they always slip a few millimeters down each time i take a kick or worse, they got displaced easily after a dive. What i need less is disturbance from the annoyance the shin guard presents, and this certainly fixes it...............I hope ^^"
Some vids on the Mercurial SL, here with Asafa Powell (ex-100M champion) testing the shoe for Drogba
And a 3D review of the Mercurial Blade
So there u have it~this is the end product of whats to be products being made with no holds barred, with no limitation, with limitless budget, and extraordinary matchplay experience is what's that rewards.
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