Well first off, right before i go to the training ground i had 2 half boiled egg but it failed! The yolk was broken already T.T butttt i think that helps cuz when we did 2 and 1/4 lap of the whole field, which feels like doing 2 full football field while doing some light stretching and stuff and really can felt the difference, now my breathing is more composed and my stamina has really gotten better. But after that, the real stuff begins.
As we're doing fitness and stamina today, this is what we did first.

We have three sets of players, each doing one thing at the same time, thn rotates to the other one, the players on the balls on the upper side needs to juggle them as close as to the feet, while the players on the balls on the side below needs to tip-toe (as in put the tip of your toe) the ball from left leg to right leg and so on. The players on the left side has two obstacle placed so that a space is left in it, and players starts from the middle, jump with both knees up, over the obstacle, to the left, thn to the middle, thn to the right, thn to the middle again, all over the obstacle, while do a single push up in the middle, thn starts again. We did the first sets (*one sets as in we've rotate three times, meaning each players have done all of it) in duration of 1 minute i think, thn have a few sec rest, while continuing the second sets (3 activities, again) for 45 secs duration, before doing the third sets, in 30 secs. I fuckin sucks at the juggling ball area, i was so scared that the coach might think that i purposely do that ( i can't juggle!) to get some rest but im not, im really trying T.T
Then we have this exercise

Which, starts at the RED dots on the left side, first, run from the Red dot to the Yellow dot, run back to Red dot, then continue run to the Sky Blue dot. In which then, sideways, go left and right left and right with ur body facing one way, so your moving like a crab, through the cones, thn run with knee up and both feet in side the ladder, after that continue to run to the next cone, before go backwards to the next cone and forward, thn backward and so on, note the arrow signifies the direction ur head is facing. Thn jog back to the Red dot and start again. We did 4 of this....
After that...

(This is probably the hardest), we have 4 cones represented by a Red dot, forming a square. Now this is pretty straightforward. We must first run from cone 1 to cone 4, thn from cone 4 head towards cone 2, thn cone 3, and then go back to cone 1, this count as 1 round. We have to complete 6 round continuously. And then go back the opposite way, which is from cone 1, to cone 3, cone 2, thn cone 4, and then 3,2,1 and again. Again, this count as 1 round, and we have to do 6 round continuously as well. After that, repeat both direction at 6 round continuous basis for 1 direction again. So total up we did ...... 24 rounds =.= i can't believe i finish that...
And last one

This is similiar to C-sets we did back in Form 5, first, run from the Maroon dot to the Sky Blue dot, run back again, then proceed to the Orange dot, thn run back to the Maroon dot again, and then to the Green dot again, this count as 1 round, we did 4 rounds per person. the distance is approx 50 meter from the Maroon to the Green dot. but hell i think we've covered up a whole 100 meter football field more ~~~~
Overall, im deeply impressed by me as i was able to complete everything, i was literally grasping for air after that 24 rounds of that....that....torture hahahahaa, mind u the distance between cones and cones is probably 10 meters wide. But the real theory behind that was to teach u how to make quick sharp turn between the cones, the trick is as u turn, u have to act as if ur sitting down, get ur ass down and use your outer feed to push u around, i guess thats to lower ur center of gravity, it really do helps. I didn't get to use my gloves today, pity them got lonely today hahaha, as i got some new theory on diving which i love to test...its always those kinda days where u got ur morale up high that u've already set your mental state to perform to the fullest, yet the chance for making that happen just sorta kaput~ the same thing with the Match Day with Evergreen 7 thingy.....so confidence to have the Monash shut tight but they didn't come..T.T...
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