Adidas's factory outlet.....whole lot is fullll of Adidas goods...=.=
Thn, NIKE~~~~~
The inside of it was massive, its almost twice the size of the Adidas's fac outlet. With apparels and accessories on front, and shoes on behind. I didn't get a photo of the whole shop cuz i was too preoccupied with looking for shirts for CNY as well as boot spotting and glove testing hiak hiak hiak.....
Saw this.....the first, Air Zoom Total 90, nicknamed AZT90.....this is the boot that highlights the offset lacing system, which provides bigger contact patch for shooting power, i dreamt of this kinda boots when i was Form 1.
Thn, the Air Zoom Total 90 Supremacy...huhuhuhu i had one of this before, not the Supremacy but the Cheap-macy one...haha, its sorta like the base model la, but i still love it....i think its the longest serving shoe of mine....hmm....
Mercurial Vapor IV...damn this is light...if the Superfly (with Carbon Fibre sole plate) is lighter than this thn i duno how to define the word 'lightness' thn...hahah
LOOK~~~whats that?!
Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia........hmmm......where did i heard that before....
Long sleeve version of.......i remember ! OUR NATIONAL JERSEY arghhh 90 Dollar for one....i think im going to get one..hahah, as i also saw a GENUINE, MANCHESTER UNITED Home Jersey on 50% discount! WTH!!! although it still cost 100 Dollar....hell it could've been 200! @!$!%^$@!#@$
And so i settled for this two Nike tees....simple and quality, my choice, for how much? 20 bucks for 1 shirt, now for a genuine Nike tees, even if u change the currency, RM60...damn cheap~~~~i even saw a base line model black Mercurial Vapor V selling at 60 Dollar!
And a short as well......
Didn't know Nike made this kinda shorts as well huh~
Being over there, i even saw Nike Total 90 Confidence gloves over there!(sorry no pics ..T.T, once again preoccupied) I'm like~ *giggles giggles*
The Total 90 Confidence is the top of the line pro level gloves for GK, consider this as the Rolls Royce of the GK gloves(the one im using is the GT-R hehehehehe), i originally have give up on using one of this, as the previous shop i went to get my Grip3 gloves said that they doesn't have size lower then 9, and so it was too big for me and i couldn't have use it. But!!! Here i managed to found size 8's !!!! IM LIKE OMFG!~ ARGHHHH, although the size 8 belows are in a box similar to the box that contains the Grip3 when i bought it, while the size 9 upwards are in a black glove bag. All the Total 90 Confidence are selling at..........i kid u not....80 Dollar....T.T, all the other shops i went to sells them at 130 that instance i can felt the world is crumbling on me........without hesitance, i open a size 8 and try it out, it was amazing! The feel is nothing like the Grip3, the Grip3 gives u the feeling of a whole and packed feeling, while the Total 90 Confidence gives u, confidence~ the fitting is just perfect, everything is just perfect, the 3 way adjustable lacing could be a little nuisance if ur adjusting it and tighten it up with ur other hand in glove. But, then again, pro level is really pro level, now that i've found another 'target' (sorry Grip3~~~) i'll can now fully use the full potential of the Grip3 at no mercy, and prepare to switch to, the Total 90 Confidence(although i would seriously prefer this colourway.
But i do admit i would prefer if the packed feel of the Grip3's can be seen in the Total 90 Confidence.....
See Grip3? You ain't so bad ^^
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