My the name d...T.T....shit...
I've been using this after my last Puma glove (which cost me over RM160) when i play for Sin Min, but that glove is reallly supremo~~nice fit, 3mm of latex (more is better ^^ with Nike now coming out with 6mm==), but that time i know how to use a good glove, but wasn't really good at maintaining them...and after that i switch to these, which were abit trim down to RM100, but much much worth the price, as the grip doesn't lose out the first Puma glove, but the phenomenal grip only lasted for mayb first few week after the first usage, and then u can feel the grip goes down...but nonetheless, nothing i cant cope, as i like them so much, this was actually my second pair...but now its nothing but worn...T.T.....
Eventually turn into biscuits~dunno whether its the weather or not...T.T
Soooooo, i gotta get myself a new one...and went on to have a few scout in Richmond~ i couldn't have find a shop better...its a shop that sells football stuffs, EXCEPT, shoes~ weird, but u can c all sort of jerseys there, Barcelona, Madrid, Chelsea, MU, u name it~ and~~~~~ a wide variety of gloves too, and shin guards(which i have had my eye on one ^^) and so after some testing, i made up my mind, and settle for this....
The Nike Grip3 Gloves ~
Their 3mm Latex, and as soon as i put it on, i get the feel of the first Puma gloves that i use back then, and boy oh boy~ it instantly strikes me on how good this glove is....
As you can see its a gunn-cut or rolled glove, which means u have the rubber, wrap around ur finger, like it rolls on to ur finger, this kinda glove offers the best grip there is. Wat are the other types? Well we have the negative cut, with the gunn-cut or rolled has rubber protruding out, negative cut has the rubber going inside, so think of negative cut the opposite of rolled or gunn-cut, usually they offer the most fit, the Puma glove i showed above was a negative cut. And then theres the flat palm, which is generally for younger kids that are just starting.
Can't wait to try can't wait to try....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^and guess how much was this ? 60 dollar~~ now u might think, times 3 = RM180 is expensive, but the thing is u can't change the rate, u gotta think of 60 dollar as RM60 as well, if one noodle in msia cost RM3, would it be possible for Aust to sell at 1 dollar? Impossible rite~ so say use RM60 in msia, i could have never, ever get anything as close to this....
And just a sneek peek to the shin guard i had my eyes on....

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