More Flat....
The ground....was unbelievably soft, i never really quite understand, why soft ground shoes gotta have steel and 6 stud, now i noe why.....notice that the grass beneath my shoe just collapse and how my leg collapse into the soft ground below too ?
The training, was unlike anything i've ever been through, or experience before, be it playin for Sin Min (well we dun really have much practice do we) or Youngster United (thn again....i think they teach the wrong thing already =.=) whats the difference? The atmosphere, back then when me and Cruz go to training we always get scolded, literally scolded for something we dun really understand, and when we ask them again they scold us again =.= whats the point~~~~ here, the atmosphere is nothing, but encouragement, throughout the training session i didn't get one criticism, but all i get, is encouragement to try harder and keep going, which is why, i find the training session sooooooo fun (take that msia!! more and more criticism oni makes matters worse) ~~ i had cramps on both my leg, yet i sincerely still wanna keep going, thats how motivated i am~ playing in Youngster just sorta makes me think why am i getting all the dirt on my shirt for ~
The training didn't start out with a 5 laps across the field or something like that no, we just start out with some light jogs, and then we had our warm up of a few drills across cones and obstacle, sorta things that msia would say, for what?~~~ well for getting ur leg warm up but not tiring them~ its a fairly extensive sessions, so i can't really recall alot~ but what i do recall is that i felt like i was doing a human-gymkhana hahaha (gymkhana, cuz we have reverse ^^) and as we finish, ya ofc we're grasping for air, but our legs really do felt lighted.
After the warm up session, keepers and players get separated for different trainings, and the training i had was absolutely enjoyable, the coach was nice, tough, but nice, as well as the other 4 keepers, and its very obvious all of them are above me, i would say i could have pushed my self to their level, but they really know their way in training, as i was struggling abit, one of them come up to me and say: "A couple more weeks, and we'll get you there~" ended with a smile from both of us and a humble but soundly " Thanks" from me, and from there on i kept pushed and pushed, i really felt that im doing something now~~and its isn't continuing, we have short 3-5 min break for water or something, so we're definitely kept getting our mind on the training, im like, whats next, whats next~ bring it on~ i wanna try ~
See i use the word TRY? cuz really, the coach doesn't bother how much goal u lose, or how u lose it, he just want u to TRY~hell i even got scored through a nutmeg (lima ringgit for msia), what do i get? Just a short nutmeg~ from the coach, and nothing else, all i get along the training was c'mon man~ keep going Han, good hands Han, and really, if u think this kinda thing wasn't important, ur dead wrong~
One thing i notice along the training, for the players, and the keepers, was that they dun really focus 100% on technique, but more on 50% physical(that is, physical training, push ups, sits ups, crunches....etc), 35% basics like foot coordination, body control, how to use ur body to the fullest without tiring out urself, passings, marking, how and what to do to cover angle (for keeper), and the 15% for skills. In Msia its like, 100% on skills, and stamina and the basics are all from urself, its up to urself to develop them, well, thats the problem, thats why we can't keep up with them, being we're more skillful then them(just for example) we dun have the basics to maintain the skill, we dun have the physical to utilize the skill, so thats why we're stuck on the same level (even deteriorating) from the levels of the 60s and 70s.........
But overall, it was one hell of a training sessions, it was hard, but fun~i am now excited already for the next one, and it hasn't come yet~!
yee~yeah rocker!!!1_1
ReplyDeleterocker? =.=