Friday, July 17, 2009

Screw stacking 101

OK.......i just realize that in our school, there is one GIRL studying AUTOMOTIVE possibly LIGHT VEHICLE stream too.........i think she's a senior of us, probably one semesta ahead, but mostly she's cute!! From China, and very petite in size, but seeing her in working apparels and safety boots while MEASURING the crankshaft................DAMN~wtf~~~=='''

OK, btw, a another student in automotive too (possibly senior too, not our class) had this shining classy S13 for a ride of his about JDM, this is just plain ol nice example of how a Japanese car is..

Beside it, Lucas, our class's Polish friend...^^ own ride, his ride? An old Ford Falcon i presume??

And some screw stacking i did in class after got bored waiting for our turn on using the measurement tools....
3 screws

4 screws

I was doing a 5 screws one but it just didn't get there...haha my lecturer was laughing when seeing me does that, he says to me: "Han, its pointless, the big screw gotta be on the bottom" "Right, but this (putting the smaller screw on the bottom as base) is where the fun is" i replied, in which he just laugh out *thank god he didn't scold me*


  1. Oi!!!
    Stop stalking on JDM already.
    Time to stalk on some 'ADM' "yong guai mui" !!!!
    Had enuff fap with JDM, now change menu pls.

  2. U got ur sayang d ma, sure stick to JDM la. We no sayang ler T_T

  3. then better make up your minds....
